Z SoccerChic9: In which I wonder.
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Perhaps it is the passing away of someone who is dear to you, that causes you to stop and think about your life. Maybe it is the long cold days, or life in general. Whatever it is, I have stopped and looked at my life, and somehow come away with a bad taste in my mouth. Sure there are the high points, in which you climbed mountains for many days and when you finally stopped to take a breath, the view was a million times better then you imagined. But somehow there seems to be so many shallow points in which you attained nothing more then being stagnent water.

Stagnent water is what I feel like at the moment. Like my life is directionless, and I really dislike that feeling. Perhaps I am an over-achiever - though I highly doubt this:) There are a million things I want to do with my life, yet here I am at 18 and I've barely scratched the surface. An unsettling thought when I don't have much life ahead of me. Perhaps the answer is more motivation or maybe it's determiness, maybe focus, eating more bread, creating goals and living them out, not drinking milk, or some other remedy.

Whatever it is, I have to discover it and master it. Until then, I look for ways to ripple the pond of stagnent water.
This template is called "Living the Dream", a modification of "The Light : The Sound". (c) 2005 Daniel Josph Xhan. Use and modify at your own discretion.